Monday, November 24, 2008

City Council to Vote on Tuesday

Finally, the city council will vote on whether the AMVETS building will become historic. The council meeting will take place at 6:15 p.m. If your not planning on going to city hall, consider coming down to AMVETS to watch on TV while enjoying an adult beverage. The council agenda and documents about the AMVETS can be found at

What does this vote mean? Well, if the council votes to make the building historical, there is no chance that the church (once prospective buyer) will ever want to resume negotiations to purchase the building. I would like to try to make the best of a historic designation by finding grants available specifically for historic buildings. I do know grants for such buildings are available but not to what extent. There is also the slight possibility that we find a new buyer that does not want to demolish the building.

If the council votes to not make it historic, no one is sure of what will happen. The church may want to resume negotiations early next year. The owner of the Penguin may or may not want to deal with us again. Assuming that the original parties are still willing to buy/sell, it cannot be assumed that it will be at previous dollar amounts. We may search for another buyer and/or new building to move to. The post will have to get another 2/3 membership vote if the parties involved (church and Penguin) or the dollar amount changes. It may be hard to get another 2/3 vote to move, gauging from peoples frustrations related to the most recent deal or lack thereof.

This vote does not seal our fate one way or the other. There is much more to be done if we move or if we stay.

Joe Sharpe
Finance Officer

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