Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Baskets Handed Out in Bitter Cold

It was the coldest day of the year but that did not prevent volunteers from continuing the Amvets tradition of handing out baskets last Sunday. The post handed out 48 baskets most of which went to families of service members overseas. We were also able to give over 100 children $15 gift cards to Toys R Us. I want to thank everyone that contributed their time and/or money this year to continue this great tradition. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Basket Update

As a reminder, the post will be handing out Christmas baskets from 9:00 a.m. till noon on Sunday, December 21. I will be posting a sign-up sheet at the bar for volunteers and volunteers with trucks to help transport the food from Cub Food on Knoxville to the post. I am only looking for five trucks to meet at Cub no later than 7:00 a.m. on the 21st. All other volunteers need to be at the post by 7:15 to help put the baskets together. I look forward to seeing you there.

So far we have raised $2,000 for the baskets with help from the following sponsors:

Peoria Jaycees

Retired Firefighters

Ladies Auxiliary

Abraham Amusement

The Voelker Family

Bob and Nancy Cone

Dale Jennings

Jerry McGowan

Stacy Bowman

We can still use more donations as the baskets will cost close to $5,000. Donations can be made at the post. Please make checks payable to AMVETS. Thank you.

Joe Sharpe

Finance Officer

AMVETS Accepts Female Associates!

It's about time. The post voted to allow women to become associates if they do not qualify to be a member or part of the Auxiliary. The female applicant would need a member sponsor, just as any other associate is required to have. The associate applications are located behind the bar. Please help to spread the word so we can start accepting new female associates.

Joe Sharpe
Finance Officer

Monday, December 1, 2008

Council Votes Against Historic Designation

Last Tuesday night the Peoria city council voted 9-1, in favor of not designating the building as a historical landmark.

Now what? The post is currently waiting for the church to resume negotiations. This is expected to happen before the next Amvets meeting, on Monday Dec. 8.

What about the Penguin? The Penguin still has a 'for sale' sign in front of the building. It is rumored that the owner of the Penguin is still willing to sell to the Amvets. The post will, presumably, try to resume negotiations with the Penguin once the church's intentions are better known.

Joe Sharpe

Finance Officer