Monday, October 27, 2008

AMVETS in the News

If you have been on vacation or hiding under a rock for the past couple of weeks, then you've missed a lot. Peoria's Historic Preservation Commission voted unanimously to hold a public hearing on whether or not to make the current AMVETS building historic. This public hearing is scheduled for Nov. 12 at 8:30 A.M. in room 400 of City Hall. The commission will hear anyone that wishes to speak at the hearing for up to five minutes. The Journal Star article on the matter can be viewed here:

My understanding of this process is that the commission will conduct the public hearing and either recommend to the city council that the building receive historic designation or not. The city council will then vote on the matter. The date for this vote is not yet known for sure.

This obviously has repercussions for the sale and purchase we have planned. The church has made it known that they will not buy our building if it receives a historic designation.

Leave a comment with your thoughts. Just click "comments" below.


Monday, October 20, 2008


I feel that Liz has been doing a fantastic job with lunches at the bar. The word is starting to spread and it is apparent that more and more lunches are being served. This is the third week of lunch specials and I look forward to it continuing. Great job Liz!

If you have been down to the club for lunch lately leave a comment. How was the food? Will you come back for lunch? What has been your favorite special? Did you notice more lunches being served than usual? etc.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Purpose of this Blog


I was asked by Mitch, our commander, to start a Commander's Blog in order to better inform our members, auxiliary, and associates of what is going on at AmVets. Mitch and I will try our best to keep updating the blog for your benefit. Your comments and suggestions about all things AmVets are welcomed and encouraged. Your comments will also help us gauge how the membership feels on issues affecting the post.

What's going on at the Post?
Our Halloween party, organized by Mike Milligan, is coming up on the 31st with live music from Billy Who, chili dogs, and a pumpkin and costume contest. The Auxillary has done an excellent job of decorating the club and we would like to see a good turnout. It starts around 6:30. I'll see you there.

Finance Officer